Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Cancer Anyone?

January 28, 2008 my mother's brother, Bill, lost his 2 year long battle with cancer; he would have been fifty-two this month. Exactly three weeks later on February 18, 2008 my mother's father, also named Bill, was diagnosed with cancer of the bladder.

A little family history - the first person I ever lost that was close to me was my mother's mother. She died of cancer in her early sixties (sixty-two, i think). Years before that my Grandmother lost her mother and one of her sisters to cancer. When I was in third grade my mother's father lost his sister to cancer. I believe that all of these women died from breast cancer or breast cancer related complications. My Grandfather also lost his mother to cancer, although I do not know what kind she had. My mother's sister has had a number of benign lumps removed from her breasts and in the last year polyps formed from precancerous cells were found when she had a colonoscopy.

Given the family history, and the loss of Uncle Bill, this most recent diagnosis of my Grandfather's has not been received particularly well.
When my Grandfather was diagnosed he was living in his winter home in Arizona. He quickly decided that he would travel home, to Boise, for further testing, evaluation, and treatment. He made the trip from Arizona to Idaho safely and is awaiting the results of further testing (which will likely be received on Uncle Bill's birthday) after which a plan for treatment will be made. In the meantime, his children are trying to cope the best way they know how. There is fear and paranoia, "Who will be next?" they all wonder. There are also prayers and support for one another.

I live so far away and, unfortunately, seldom see the majority of my family. I feel somewhat removed from the current events. However, I talk often with my Mother and my Aunt so, I am kept up with news and stories of what goes on up there. I sit down here miles, and miles away essentially just watching what will unfold. I wonder what God will do for my family and those around it in this situation. I pray that His Grace and His Glory will shine through and bring them to a closer relationship to Him in their hardships.


Little Me said...

I'm sorry to hear that. I heard about your uncle. I will pray for your grandfather and your family.
We have missed you too. Our babysitters have been temporarily out of service (you know) so we've been taking a little hiatus from minichurch. Also tax season and Z working on Sundays keeps us from church. No a normal time of year. We miss you too. We need to get together. Give me a call!

GramCrackers said...

You and your family are in my prayers. It's so hard when it never seems to end. I'm really sorry!

Teya said...

so sorry!