Sunday, November 05, 2006

Little Jokester

Our oldest child cracks me up. She loves telling jokes and makes up many of her own. She is incredibly creative and inventive. Here are a few of her favorites, some she made up on her own, some she did not.

What did Santa say when Rudolph sneezed and blew the neighborhood away?
There glows the neighborhood! (she made this one up just this morning)

What did the cow say when he tripped in a play?
Oops! I made a moostake! or See you next fall!

Why did the cow cross the road?
To go to the mooovies!

Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 ate (8) 9!

Where does Vesuvius always go to eat?
Dome-inoes pizza! (she says "get it?! because volcanoes have domes!")

These are a couple of the jokes that crack up a 6 year old on a daily basis. I am so thankful that she is here to bring a smile to my face. :)


GramCrackers said...

She is such a sweet, comical little girl. Her most recently made up joke at our house was:

Q. How do cars send instant messages?
A. Auto-reply!

She warms my heart everytime I'm with her!

Joye said...

So cute! I love the Rudolph one. Clever girl. With a beautiful gap-tooth grin!

Schweers' Mom said...

She's a cutie! She sounds like a smart cutie, too! What fun to have someone so entertaining at your house. =-))

Teya said...

Here's another one:

Who's there?
Tank who?
Tank you for the banana!