Happy birthday my most wonderful husband!
If I had the time and a hand that wasn't broken I would have made you a way cool Stars or Raiders cake for your birthday. You deserve it!
You are the greatest of husbands and Daddy's. We appreciate all that you do for us, how hard you work for us!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Happy Birthday to You!
Posted by
11:34 AM
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Let it snow!
I love snowflakes! I mean LOVE them. I think they are incredibly beautiful and fascinating. One of God's spectacular creations.
A bouquet of snowflakes would make a beautiful gift. As beautiful as any flowers, to me.
I mean look at them. How could one not be amazed and thrilled at the beauty He created in the snowflake? And think, no two are exactly alike. No two in the countless number that fall to the earth in just one snowstorm. The scientists say that is true because of all the factors that go into making just one snowflake such as temperature, humidity, wind, where they form in the cloud, etc. How awesome is it that He created the complex conditions to make each beautiful snowflake unique?How awesome is it that He created each one of us to be as unique and beautiful in His eyes? He has an endless imagination, doesn't He? :)
I not only love snowflakes themselves. I just love snow! I always have. I can remember always wanting it to snow on my birthday when I was growing up. Snow is so much fun! There are so many things that a person can do in the snow. There's skiing, downhill or cross-country, there's snowball fights, snow angels, snowman building, sledding. The possibilities are endless! :) I love getting all bundled up in scarves and gloves, coats and hats, and boots to go out and play in the snow. I love coming back inside and drinking warm cocoa or coffee. Snowy days are my favorite!The snowy days are rare here in Texas. Maybe one a year. I miss the snow!
I say "let it snow'"! And the next time it does snow, pause for a moment and enjoy the beauty God gave us in the snowflake. :)
Posted by
2:12 PM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
(bummer, couldn't get the picture to post. imagine a country road with trees full of beautiful fall colors.)
Posted by
11:15 AM
Monday, November 20, 2006
Thank You, Mom
January 3, 1977 was a snowy day in Salt Lake City. It was also the day that Mom gave birth to her first born daughter, my older sister. Mom says that that day was the worst snowstorm of the year so far. As far as I know, everything went well and my sister was a healthy, beautiful baby girl. She is healthy and beautiful now, anyway. :)
Roughly six weeks later, much to her suprise, my Mother became pregnant again. Six weeks, or so, is not nearly enough time for the body to heal after childbirth. My Mother's doctot told her that it was too soon. He told her that her body would not be able to take it. He told her that it was a risk. He told her that she needed to end the pregnancy.
Mom said absolutely not.
November 20, 1977 was another stormy, snowy day in Salt Lake City. Mom says this day was the worst snowstorm that they had had so far for that winter season. She says the drive to the hospital was pretty scary. This was the day I was born. 10 1/2 months after my sister.
I don't know exactly why my Mom made the decision to go through the pregnancy and have me. I never asked, I think I will. She says she doesn't remember what the pregnancy itself was like, or the delivery. She does tell stories about how hard it was to have two babies that close in age, though.
Thank you, Mom for ignoring the doctors. For taking that risk. For making the decision to let me live. For putting it in God's hands.
I know that I was not the easiest daughter to have. We sure did have some rough times. But, we sure do have a wonderful relationship now. :)
Thank you, Mom that I have a birthday to celebrate today.
Thank you, Lord for a Mom who would make such a hard choice and put herself at risk just to have me. Thank you, Lord, that I have a birthday to celebrate today. Thank you, Lord for this blessed life!
Posted by
5:15 PM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Random Late Night Thoughts
It's late and I have a feeling that it is going to get much later before I am able to get to bed. The baby is sick and is not sleeping well. Actually, not sleeping at all at the moment! Last night I managed about 2 1/2 hours of sleep, hopefully we'll do better tonight.
So, anyway, it's late and I am exhausted. If I sit down and do some mindless TV watching I will fall asleep. I have a feeling that it would not be a good idea to fall asleep and leave the baby awake, and sick, all by herself. So I will sit here and share the random thoughts of a tired Mommy and hope that she gets bored or, miraculously gets better and goes to sleep. And sleeps the rest of the night? No, that's asking too much at this point.
-Once again, just about everyone in our little family has been sick over the last two weeks. It frustrates me that this happens so often and lasts so long.
-Insurance from the Daddy's new job doesn't kick in for about another month. It's not a comfortable feeling, having 4 sick kids and no insurance.
-Wow, is it WINDY tonight! Glad the Husband cut down the dead tree in the backyard this past weekend.
-I really love being a member of my church!
-I feel a bit disconnected from said church lately. Maybe it's because we have missed much of our normal time there over the past couple weeks due to the sickies. Maybe it's because everybody I meet have already been there and known each other for years. Maybe it's because I am a pretty shy/quiet person and I don't really know how to make friends.
-It's pretty sad that a person my age doesn't know how to make friends!
-I find it interesting that everytime I start thinking about giving up the blog somebody tells me that they enjoy reading. Then, I think, maybe I should keep writing?
-We were going to be able to get the foundation on the house fixed in a few weeks. Probably not, now. Disappointed.
-Got to talk to Mamma the other day. Still miss her. I am so very happy for her that she is loving her new business of breeding Persian cats, though. She has even gone international with one of them heading to England!
-Mom turns 50 this year! Little sister is 26 now! Big sister will be 30 in a couple months! Somehow all that makes me feel old. :)
-My birthday is Monday. Hubby's is 9 days later. Wish I could think of something special to do for him. Creative brain cells fled with the rest of them.
-Baby asleep now. Will give her a few minutes to make sure she stays that way before I attempt heading to bed.
-Hurt my hand this weekend. REALLY hurts now. Wonder if something is broken? Think so. Maybe not. Wish I could find out for sure without a no-insurance run to the x-ray machine!
-Can't believe it's the middle of November and the air conditioner was running today. I am really hating the warm weather this year. Mom says "Maybe you should move to Idaho? I hear it's nice there." She lives in Idaho. :) Funny, Mom.
-It is so cute that when you tell Kannon that it is naptime or bedtime he runs to get his juice cup and climbs into the crib to wait for me, or Dad, to tuck him in.
-I was watching early, and I mean early, news when I was up with the baby sometime last week. They had a story about the invention of the year. Youtube.com beat out the cancer (is it cervical cancer or ovarian cancer?) vaccine for invention of the year. That's crazy. The news anchors thought so too.
Okay, I think she will stay asleep long enough for me to lay down for at least a few minutes so, it's time for me to go. Besides, all this typing is killing my hurt hand! Hope everybody out there in the world is staying healthy! Please pray for the baby that she gets better instead of worse. Thank you.
Posted by
12:17 AM
Friday, November 10, 2006
I Miss My Mommy!
seem like a long time when I write it but, it feels like forever!
My Mom and I are a lot alike. We haven't always been able to get along.
Probably because we are so much alike. But, we have a very close relationship
now. We talk often.
Mom was not able to come down and visit when the baby was born because she
needed to take care of her brother who is going through chemotherapy treatments
for cancer. She wasn't here when the boys were born either but, I really missed
her this time. Maybe because this was the last baby. I know she was where she
was really needed but, it sure would have been nice to have her here.
Mom. How funny that I keep calling her that in my writing. I have always called
her Mamma or Mommy. I occasionally call her "Lady" as well. She
thinks that is funny. Mom has a pretty good sense of humor. I remember laughing
with her often as we grew up.
Well, I don't really have anything deep or enlightening to say (not that I
usually do). Just that I really miss my Mom and that I hope that I can see her
Posted by
2:14 PM
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Little Jokester
Our oldest child cracks me up. She loves telling jokes and makes up many of her own. She is incredibly creative and inventive. Here are a few of her favorites, some she made up on her own, some she did not.
What did Santa say when Rudolph sneezed and blew the neighborhood away?
There glows the neighborhood! (she made this one up just this morning)
What did the cow say when he tripped in a play?
Oops! I made a moostake! or See you next fall!
Why did the cow cross the road?
To go to the mooovies!
Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 ate (8) 9!
Where does Vesuvius always go to eat?
Dome-inoes pizza! (she says "get it?! because volcanoes have domes!")
These are a couple of the jokes that crack up a 6 year old on a daily basis. I am so thankful that she is here to bring a smile to my face. :)
Posted by
5:57 PM